6 things Pakistani fans are looking forward to this World Cup

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1. Pakistan vs India


In devising the fixtures for the World Cup 2015, the ICC knew that if there was one match that could rattle television viewership records, it would be an India/Pakistan encounter. That too, in their inaugural games. That too, on a Sunday!

Our nation holds this sport dear for as long as time itself, and an India-Pakistan World Cup clash means life and death to us. Players from both sides find themselves under nerve-boiling pressure, whereas fans cannot help but restlessly count days to the most sought-after cricketing clash in the world.

Tales of how our fathers and grandfathers used to zealously watch the greats of their time outperform India are still heard in every common household. Team colours, flags – symbols of patriotism and national pride can be spotted in the streets, outside stores, on vehicles and in homes.

Although so far, to our horror, India is unbeaten against Pakistan in World Cup history. Can Pakistan break the jinx this time?

Do you feel that this time Pakistan may break the World Cup jinx against India?

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