6 Type of employees who hated boss

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The performance of one's work can be seen from various aspects, one of which is how we act and behave in the work environment. Do not expect long you can work in a company if it does not have the initiative, motivation or apply less polite.

Boss is someone who has credibility menilah whether an employee has a good or bad performance on the job. Such as what type of employee that is considered bad by his superiors?

Here's the list, as quoted from Helium:

1. Awl From Behind
The employee types like stabbing her from behind, be it new or old employees who strive to achieve success. Because do not want other employees more successful from him, he often vilify people in front of your boss, co-workers gossiping about another every five minutes and usually have difficulties to work in teams. This type is also difficult to accept the new person in the company, especially if the person is smarter, more experienced and more attractive appearance.

2. Lack of Motivation
This type is an employee whose activities are just around the office, invites everyone chatting and never really finished his task. Many activities are less important that he did, such as back and forth to the toilet more than 10 times a day, calling people who are not related to work and tend to rely on others to clean up job. Employees like this are usually more talk than action.

3. Too Many Reasons or Love Lying
These employees do not ever want to blame or responsible for the problems they cause. He tends to throw the blame on others with millions of reasons. This type also like to look for the reason that long-winded if late for office and likes absent from the additional tasks assigned to it.

4. Difficult Adapt
Each company must make some changes in order to progress and develop. However, other types of employees is difficult to adapt to something new. No matter how much training and education that is given to him, he never prepared with all the new developments and innovations. This type prefers to work in his own way and can not adapt to new methods that may be more secure, easy, fast and efficient. This makes it lags behind other colleagues.

5. Problems with Communication
This type can not communicate effectively. He likes to say and behave less polite in the workplace, and tend to be harsh with other employees or clients. Aggressive and defensive behavior is generally caused because they could not say what was on her mind. When faced with a problem at work, this type tend to be quiet and reluctant to ask for a solution to the boss or other colleagues. Thus making it easy to frustration and stress.

6. Like to Complain
Always complaining every task given, not as excited as work and often protesting corporate policies or upset when I had to work overtime.

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