7 beautiful island nation in the world (Part 2)

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4. Philippines

The Philippines is an island nation with a unique geographical feature in the world by being made ​​up of 7,107 islands, all of which possesses unique beauty can not be confused.

5. Fiji

Fiji is an island nation located in the South Pacific. It consists of up to 322 large and medium-sized island with 522 islets. The island is a favorite tourist destination of travelers worldwide by unspoiled natural scenery, beautiful.

6. Singapore
 Singapore - lion island was named green - clean - the world's most beautiful owns the fascinating beauty of the architecture and cuisine accompanied by beautiful nature that attracts millions of visitors calendar each year.
7. Barbados
Barbados National Nature seems to be in favor with the poetic landscapes, from the windswept prairies Aaron Green to the beautiful beaches in all of Green has always been a strong attraction for any visitor to set foot to this island nation.

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