7 Essential Health Tips for Seniors

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Senior citizens are living longer and healthier lives than ever before, meaning that just because you are aging doesn’t mean that you have to be “old.” As a senior, you can be more than capable of engaging in various fulfilling and dynamic activities; in fact, some senior citizens are adopting new hobbies such as skiing and even parachuting! Of course, in order to enjoy these pastimes, you have to maintain your health.To enjoy your golden years, make sure to follow the following tips:


People are social creatures and need to interact with others as part of our daily life. When you retire, you lose the social network you had at work, which can cause you to feel isolated. This can quickly lead to problems with mental health; in fact, it has been shown that not getting enough social interaction can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Activities such as getting together with family or friends ensure that you get enough social interaction. If your friends and family live across the country (or even the world!), stay in contact thru email or social media.

Keep your brain active

When it comes to your brain, you need to “use it or lose it.” In order to maintain brain health, do things that engage your brain, such as reading or writing. Doing crossword puzzles or learning Sudoku are also great ways to keep your brain active. If you want to improve your brain function while getting social interaction, join (or start!) a card or board game group.


One of the biggest problems seniors have is a lack of purpose; with no kids to raise and no job to go to, it can sometimes feel as if you have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. These feelings can quickly lead to depression, which can in turn cause other health problems. Avoid this by volunteering for a cause you believe in; this not only gives you a purpose, it makes you feel good about yourself.

Eat well

You should eat well your entire life, but it becomes particularly important as you age. Seniors need as much nutrients as they can get, and poor nutrition habits like not eating enough vegetables can have devastating effects on the body. Eating well also helps you avoid health risks associated with obesity, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Go see the doctor

Just like an old car, an aging body requires more maintenance. Unlike a car, you can’t just get spare parts for your body when it breaks down; this means that you need to work on catching potential problems before they become an issue. If caught in time, modern medicine can mitigate or even prevent certain issues associated with aging. As you age, make sure to get regular checkups and screenings for things such as prostate cancer or osteoporosis. Since illnesses such as pneumonia or even the flu can be life threatening for seniors, make sure to keep up-to-date on your vaccinations as well.


You can’t just rely on doctors to keep you healthy; you need to take proactive measures. Exercise helps maintain muscle mass, meaning that as you age you can still engage in physical activity. You don’t need to run a triathlon; a simple walk around the block can help your overall health.

Managing Property upon Incapacity

Even if you take every precaution, there is still a chance of becoming incapacitated. When this happens, it may be difficult-and even stressful-for your family members to decide what to do with your assets, particularly your property. Thru a living trust, for example, you can specify exactly what you want to be done with your property when you become incapacitated. After you die, you ensure that your family knows your final wishes and can avoid probate court.

This lets you rest easy, knowing that even if you are incapacitated, your wishes will be followed; this reduces stress and allows you to enjoy retirement. In addition, having instructions laid out allows you to enjoy being with your family without having to worry about conflicts about “who gets what.”

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