9 Ways to Find Time for Bible Study When You’re Busy {31 Days of Hope for Moms}

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I want to share 9 ideas to help you find time for Scripture reading and Bible study! They are all methods I have used at one time or another throughout the past 8 years since I became a mom. Really this is useful for any woman but of course since this series is directed at moms, that’s my audience :) {Psst….there is one common tip that you will NOT find in this list!}

But before we begin, there a  couple of really helpful things you can do first to ensure that you will be making this change successfully.

  • Pray and ask the Lord to lead you in choosing the best method and time of day for your study. It may change depending on your season of life! Know that Satan will try to distract you from spending time in God’s Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to “check” you when this happens.
  • Take a time inventory. Figure out what you’re wasting time doing during the day. If you’re browsing Pinterest at 10 pm, maybe that would be a good time to choose for Scripture reading. Or perhaps you are scrolling through Facebook on your phone while you feed your baby in the middle of the night. That’s a great time for the Bible instead! :)
  • Pick a time and set an alarm on your phone or clock if necessary to remind you each day. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit–I think for moms it takes much longer than that! Samsung Galaxy to the rescue img class="emoji" draggable="false" src="http://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/72x72/1f609.png" alt="

About the author


I'm cherry refamonte rubio, simple person i love to explore anything,

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