A Debate: Woman and Man (Equality issue)

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~ at the age of between 9 to 13 will start having a monthly visitor or known as menstruation

~ at the age of Sweet 16, will start to become sensitive in hygiene

~ at the age of 18, all activities are monitored by her family

~ by the time she'll start working, she will keep the money for future because she is a woman and a woman should know how to handle money for her own good

~ by the time she will get married, will change her family name and left his family to be a good wife to her husband and mother to their children

~ having a new life as a wife, she will adjust her life too much for her husband and in laws

~as a wife, she have to be his friend (to listen in his good times with friends), his mother (taking care when he is sick), his wife ( comfort him when he needs strength and support), his sister ( mingle with him if he needs a companion) and his mistress ( satisfy him in bed)

~she will then get pregnant and a lot of changes will happen to her such as sudden loss of appetite, difficulties in sleeping and walking, bigger belly, mood swing, morning sickness etc.etc.

~ after giving birth...she will double or times three her effort so she could still ready her husbands breakfast, shower and clothes before going to work..taking care of the baby while cooking or doing the dishes or the laundry or ironing clothes or making list for budget or do some little repair by herself

~she will take good care of herself when she is sick, prepare her food, do all the householdchores, taking care of the baby...all alone even if she is not feeling well



~at the age of 8 to 13 should be circumcise

~at the age of 16, will try to smoke and drink alcohol

~at the age of 18, will try pre-marital sex...it's okay...he will not get pregnant, only the girl he had sex with

~he will start working, spend his money in everything he wants in any day, any hour...no limits (because he is a single man and he should enjoy his being single before getting married)

~he will get married and change his wife's family name to he's and make a baby

~ he will work then going home and eat his food before taking a shower and go to sleep

~he will work then going home and eat his food before taking a shower and go to sleep

~he will work the going home and eat his food before taking a shower and go to sleep


Now, it is for you to think and decide if equality is applied in this reality. Not to mention the infedelities and the right to speak at home and have sometimes the final decision.




About the author


JC Premiere Worldwide Franchisee
Loves photography
Beauty Salon Owner
Event Specialist

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