A Form of Defense Mechanism Yesterday

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Defense mechanism is defined as a coping technique that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful impulses.



 We, the humans normally use different defenses throughout life.We do some ways in order to protect ourselves from things that we don't want to deal with. We do some psychological strategies when we feel overwhelmed, threatened and when we deal with conflicts - that leads to anxiety. When anxiety attacks, our ego may employ a defense mechanism to protect us. Some ways of the ego are to manipulate, to deny, to distort reality and rationalization.

Now, why I am writing this one? It's because I've just realized that I was doing a form of defense mechanism yesterday. Yes, I admit I was going through something weird these past days. I wasn't liking some things that I was feeling towards someone, about something.

I was talking to that person on FB yesterday. I mentioned some things, told some truth, admitted some secrets. Until I hadn't realized that I was saying something that was actually "a bit different" from what I was really feeling. The reason was - I was really trying to fight inside, I was trying to get rid of that feeling. In short I was in "denial", and I was "acting out".

Today, I am thinking to talk to that person again, to clarify some things. It's time for a revelation. For today, I think I have really moved on from that recent experience. It's not causing me pain anymore, so now I can talk with that person without a pressure.


About the author


I am a music lover... a woman who thanks God every second of my life for His unconditional love.

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