A Handbook for Making Documentary and Ethnographic Films and Videos

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Cross-Cultural Filmmaking
A Handbook for Making Documentary and Ethnographic Films and Videos
This handbook is for anyone who wants to make a documentary or ethnographic film. You may be a student, a professor, or out on your own, working independently. You may be a budding filmmaker or an emeritus anthropologist. You may have a burning desire to shoot a feature-length movie about a revolution in a remote spot of the globe, or have long hoped to make a ten-minute video about your grandmother. You may want to learn the technology simply to shoot research footage, or to improve your home video style. In any of these cases, this handbook contains the background information you'll need to work with moving images.

Liz Stubbs - Documentary Filmmakers Speak
The light in their eyes. The smile in their voices. The understanding and compassion that comes from having lived in worlds that are not normally open to most people. The intoxicating exuberance of one who doesn’t utter the phrase, “I can’t.” The comfort and serenity with which they speak about their lives. As if all the awards and famous friends and critical praise of their work is of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. They wear them as easily as old jeans. The prizes, the accolades—Oscars, Emmys, Lifetime Achievements—they are simply what happened when these filmmakers made films about which they were passionate. The voices in the following pages are widely varied in terms of style, experience, and critical acceptance. But they all are imbued with love for filmmaking—their craft, their art. They live and breathe it. Literally.

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Ilisa Barash Cross Cultural Film and Liz Stubbs Documentary Filmmakers

This ebook is suitable for adding a collection of films And just for share. I hope You like it...

Note: To support the writers and art workers, please buy their original product. So they can continue to create works for you.

About the author


love movies,
love writting,
love entertainment,
Love Filmannex,
LOve You ALL....

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