A Magical Floating City Appears on the Skies of China

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A strange event happened in China that was witnessed by the residents of two Chinese cities. Conspiracy theorists are calling it a gateway to the parallel universe as they saw the floating buildings in the sky. The event was captured on video where an extravaganza of buildings appear in the floating dark clouds. Some of the conspiracy theorists have said that the illusion was the result of a secret project of NASA called 'Project Blue Beam' under which NASA will start a New World Order and will simulate the second coming of Jesus Christ on earth using hologram technology.

Another theory suggest the phenomena was designed by Chinese government as a part of their secret project and they tested their latest secret technology on these two cities where people witnessed it. It is also said it was the work of a supernatural intelligence. However scientists have called the event as Fata Morgana - a pattern that appears when light passes through different temperatures.

Video of Floating City seen in China

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