A Proper Guidelines to Use a Computer

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Many people around the world they are using computers.  Most of them, they don’t know how to use a computer properly.  It is important to us to know the proper  guide to use it, to take good care our computer desktop or laptop to keep it working well. Following this guide will ensure that your computer or laptop lasts longer and requires less maintenance and save money from the technician.


Keep Away Your CPU to the Ground. Computer owners who keep their computers on the ground will come across many problems. Gravity is your first enemy because it makes all the dust, and dirty in the room end up on the floor, which then gets sucked up into the computer. Frequent dusting inside your computer will be needed to keep it from getting too hot. Especially AMD processor gets overheated if they get hot. The best place  for the CPU is on the upper part of your table which is safe.


Keep liquids away  from your Computer desktop or laptop. It comes to me this, because I have a lot of customers encountered that they are always troubled with their computers.  Many of us use their computer together with the snacks like coffee, coke, water or any other liquid. If you are using laptop this could be accidents can happen easily. Spilled liquids may damage the internal microelectronic components, especially the keyboard or cause electrical damage. Short circuits can corrupt data or even permanently destroy some parts of the laptop. Then, if you are using CPU it could be damaged only the keyboard or monitor. Alternatively, use a cup with a cover on it, so even if it does spill, the liquid doesn't go anywhere.. The solution is very simple: Keep your drinks away from your computer. Even if you are careful, someone else might spill your drink. Especially if there are kids in your home it might be happening.


Keep food away from your Computer.  Don't eat over your Computer or Drink  especially if you are using the laptop the crumbs can fall between the keys of your laptop and provides an invitation to small ants this could be possible damage of your keyboard circuit. Avoid dusty location use a surge protector.


Protect the LCD display of your laptop. When you close your laptop, make sure there are no small items, such as a USB flash drive, pen on the keyboard. These can damage the display screen if the laptop is shut on them; the screen will scratch if the item is rough. Close the lid gently and holding it in the middle. Closing the lid using only one side causes pressure on that hinge, and over time can cause it to bend. When you just put your laptop in your bag, keep the charger away from the back of the laptop LCD. Many breaks happen because laptops are dropped or bumped. A bag greatly reduces the risk of damage.


Updating Anti Virus. If you have anti-virus software, whether you paid for it or downloaded free software, you really have to update it continuously. You can be sure that the programmers who create computer viruses are doing everything they can to update their insidious malware, which is software such as viruses or Trojans deliberately designed to damage or disrupt computer systems. If you don't keep your anti-virus software up to date, malware will surpass your security software's ability to contain it.


Shutting Down Your Computer Properly. After using computer it's important to turn it off properly-not only to save energy, but also help keep your computer more secure and to ensure that your data is saved. Don't plug it out your computer after using it use proper shutdown to prevent damaged of the program.



About the author


I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile:)

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