Abnormal and normal

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The most common and consistent behavior of individual, that is mostly appreciated and accepted by the society, that confirms to the social norms and morality, and that neither harm the social foundation of society nor any member of the society is generally considered to be “normal”. All those actions, behaviors and thoughts that are followed by average people in a society are considered normal. There is a line between normality and abnormality and social norms decides this limitation. However abnormality has its root in the normality.

Perceptions of normality and abnormality differ between cultures, subcultures, individuals and change over time i.e. it is contextual. The extreme selfishness of a child is accepted as normal but in an adult such selfishness would be regarded as abnormal. Men holding hands are normal in some societies, in others it is regarded as abnormal. Eating in public during the day at Ramadan would be regarded as a deviation in our society but it would not be a deviation in a non-Islamic country.   If we lose our job and someone close to us dies then it is normal for us to be unhappy and depressed. In fact if we were not unhappy and depressed it would be abnormal. Therefore we have to look at emotions and behavior in the context in which they occur.

The normal and abnormal people vary in a sense that normal people know that why they are doing something e.g. if a person is taking in a very little amount of drug in the official parties, he knows that he is doing so to confirm with the colleagues but if drugs are use as an addiction and person start living in ecstasy than this would be an abnormal behavior.

Abnormal people usually do not have self control. They fail to control their behavior e.g. aggression is a normal human behavior in normal situations but if someone is suffering from frustration or self discomfort than this frustration may ultimately change to a high level of aggression (on minor issues) leading to violence which would be un acceptable according to social norm.

Self worth adds a lot to the personality and behaviors of an individual. Normal people are well aware of their purpose, goal and importance in life but in contrast abnormality makes a person feel worthless and of no use. Normal people are able to channel their energies into work' and social life. They are enthusiastic about their lives and enjoy activities. Mentally disordered people often feel chronically tired and feel hurdles in the way of enjoyment

About the author


Psychologist by passion and by profession :)

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