About Your brain

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It’s brains that control your body…The captain of the ship.
Dyou know about your brain, ,, lets know…..

The brain feels no pain. That’s why surgeons can perform brain surgery on a patient why they are still awake.

There are 100,000 Miles of Blood Vessels in the Brain.

Sorry Ladies, Men’s Brains are 10% Bigger.
True to the stereotype, women tend to process on the more “emotional” right side of the brain, while men process on the “logical” left.

Your Brain is More Active When You Sleep.

Size does not matter,Albert Einstein’s brain was only 1,230 grams, while the average adult male brain weighs 1,400.
Your brain is the fattest organ in your body. It’s about 60% Fat.

Your brain can generate about 25 watts of power at any given time. It could power a light bulb

During pregnancy, a woman’s brain will shrink. It will take up to 6 months to regain its size.

Your brain will continue to develop until you’re in your late 40s

Every day, you have about 70,000 thoughts.

did you see a movie " Inception "
Do thinks Its real................

lets know...............

credit my bubbles post



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hi my self tarn, belong to India

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