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In a village there was a person who was planning to participate in a fancy dress competition. But didn’t have any idea what character he should portray, so when he was planning he finally decided to put Buddha character and started to analyze about Buddha and his activities, his character, all his moral values he started to get know each and every thing about him.

On the day of fancy dress competition he was typically dressed like Buddha itself, when entered the auditorium every one stood up and respected him. He was shocked to this, and he thought it is all because of the costume.

Once when the competition is over and prize distribution session started and this person won the prize for the fancy dress and when they rewarded him, he refused to accept the money, when the chief guest asked him the reason for not accepting the gift, he replied “my aim was to win the money only but now this part transformed my character and I got something more valuable than money, for this fifteen minutes for performing like Buddha I get this much respect, so if I practice being like him it may become my character itself. So I want be like Buddha for the rest of my life.

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