Aerial Advertising

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Airplanes pulling banners, skywriting (in letters as high as 1,200 feet), and blimps all constitute another form of outdoor advertising available to the marketer: aerial advertising. Generally these media are not expensive in absolute terms and can be useful for reaching specific target markets. For example, Coppertone has often used skywriting over beach areas to promote its tanning lotions, beer companies (among others) commonly employ aerial advertising at sporting events, and local advertisers promote special events, sales, and the like. Perhaps one of the more interesting examples of aerial advertising is Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut paid about $1 million to have a 30-foot version of its new logo on an unmanned Russian Proton rocket. The logo was visible for only a few seconds, but Pizza Hut felt the exposure was well worth the investment. (The company also put pizza on the Space Shuttle for those assembling the orbiting space platform.)

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