Affirmations and Self Belief

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I see people making negative comments about themselves daily such as

"I can never be like that",

"I can never be in shape"

"I don't like myself"

"I hate my body"

"I'm not good enough"

"I have so far to go until I reach my goal" etc etc.

Saying these things is not helping you achieve anything and it's definitely not encouraging! Stop ruining it before you even properly try, stop telling yourself you can't achieve something before you even commit yourself, stop criticising yourself for everything you aren't and start being more positive about yourself!!


You CAN reach your goals so stop hiding behind all the reasons why you think you can't and tell yourself you CAN! Everything you want in your life starts with YOU and what YOU think!! You think this is all BS? Well try it for yourself, then judge! 

Start changing the way you think! Start appreciating the life you've been given, start believing in yourself and encouraging yourself to go for the things you want and stop all this self sabotage and restrictions you put on yourself! Start living at your full potential! Forget about what anyone else is doing, or what they have that you don't.. Focusing on that will NEVER achieve anything good!

Say these words right now:

"I will (insert what your goal is)"
"I am good enough"
"I am capable"
"I deserve this"
"I don't care what others think"
"I'm doing this for me"
"I take control of my life"
"I am happy, positive and determined"
"Nothing and NOBODY is going to stop me!"

- Or make up your own affirmations!

Say these everyday! Even though you might feel silly just do it anyway! especially before you go to a job interview, meeting or some other situation that you might be feeling uncomfortable or scared about.
Affirmations and self belief have honestly helped me SO much and I hope they can help you too! 

About the author


Hi! I am Engr. Ray Balba, 24 years old , networker, forex trader and Law of attraction practitioner.

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