Amazing effect of asparagus.

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As the New Year approaches, many people are preparing to celebrate with several glasses of alcoholic beverages, which are taking their toll on Jan. 1. Although many people have heard of a number of "cures" for a hangover, the best cure is prevention. Now, new research confirms this, suggesting that asparagus can help prevent hangovers.

In a study published in the Journal of Food Science, researchers from the Institute for Medical Science and Jeju University found that minerals and amino acids in asparagus prevents hangovers appearance and plays a protective role of the liver. Alcohol consumption, especially the chronic, is responsible for the appearance of hangovers and can lead to liver oxidative stress. "Cellular toxicities were significantly reduced when we applied treatment with extracts of asparagus leaves and shoots," explained BY Kim, the lead researcher. "These results provide evidence confirming the existence of biological functions of asparagus which helps reduce the negative effects of alcohol and protects liver cells," said the researcher.

Scientists have analyzed the asparagus plant components to identify the most useful parts to prevent hangovers. Researchers analyzed the biochemical effect of asparagus leaves and shoots on cells extracted from rats and humans. The study showed that asparagus leaves have a higher content of amino acids and minerals than shoots, which means that the leaves are more effective in protecting the liver from the damaging effects of alcohol, thus preventing hangovers.

It is the first time research identifies pozitivel effects of asparagus. Vegetable is widely used as a "natural medicine", believed to have anti-cancer effect. It also works as a diuretic and fight inflammation.

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