Anime is for kids????

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There are have been so many comments about anime saying things like ‘anime is for kids’. Alright, next time I’m babysitting your two year old, we’ll sit down, grab some popcorn, and watch the latest episode of Shingeki no Kyojin. Seriously. If you find someone who thinks that anime and manga series are only for kids, show them Attack on TitanHigh School of the Dead, or Kill La Kill. That’ll change their mind in an instance.

Nowadays, anime is definitely made for an older audience. Even though the early Dragonball series, NarutoYu-Gi-Oh, and Pokemon are pretty child-friendly, the later installations of such anime contain more mature themes that children either shouldn’t watch, or wouldn’t understand. A good example of this would be the later Dragonball series and Naruto Shippuden.

these anime contain blood shed and gross material sereously guys who say that anime is for kids stop it believe me if u watch these it will  blow your mind off.

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