Another Gift

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Waking Up.

Good morning people. I found another gift today and it's waking up. How many of us actually acknowledges this everyday? Not that much. 

Everyday, we often wake up to our alarm saying "uhh! another day's work." Instead of acknowledging the gift of today, we often become so intimidated by what is to come for the day.

Can we not just thank God for the beautiful day ahead of us instead of complaining about the stress we are about to face? 

God made our everyday unique so don't expect everything to be so stressful. Who knows, you might meet someone new today? God bless and have fun guys!

About the author


I am just like you. A simple dude, and a gamer!
But there's something that distinguishes me from the rest, that's my love for Jesus Christ. :) God bless.

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