Are we in the last days?

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Some times i wonder if we were in the last days or is there still time left for God's kingdom. But as we watch the things happening around the world, and comparing with the signs of the last days given in the bible, we have to believe that we are definitely passing the period of last days.
The important +Signs mentioned in the bible are +earthquakes, disease epidemics,+Lawlessness of people, wars. Now every now and then we are having some earthquakes around the world more frequently than ever before. There is an outbreak of new diseases like +Ebola , new+Viral fevers etc etc which are much resistant than ever before. For each new medicine that is being discovered the diseases are becoming much more resistant. There is also cold war growing among the middle east countries which may anytime result into actual world war. All these are definitely the signs of the last days.
We have to draw ourselves closer to God in prayer and be +Cautious about the things happening around us and ask god for understanding.

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