Are you happy?

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When you wake up in the morning, is it with a smile? Do you wake up looking forward to what the rest of the day holds for you? If you find that you just aren't happy there are a few things you can do to change your life to be what you want it to be. 

 Do something for someone else

Now when I say this, I don't mean go donate all your belongings to charity. Start off with something smaller. Maybe there is a friend or coworker going through some rough times,  buy them a cup of coffee or lunch. Or try volunteering at the local soup kitchen once a week.  Studies have shown that people who do things for others are happier in their own lives as well. 

Look at what makes you frown

When I looked at how many things in my life that made me unhappy, I was shocked. Now, I understand you might hate your job, I am not saying you should go out and quit your job. Look at smaller things that you can change. Maybe you dislike your shoes, go get a pair you like. Or maybe there are people in your life that put out negative energy. Why don't you just remove them, or put distance between yourself and them? 

Be kind to yourself. 

Start each morning and end each evening with positive comments.Every morning when I wake up I look in the mirror and say "You are a beautiful person. You are a kind person." Tell yourself what like about the day and yourself.  Remind yourself of things that you are looking forward to. 

Talk to a professional

If all this does nothing to fix the funk in your life don't ever feel embarrassed about talking to a professional. Sometimes you just need someone to help. Lots of people see therapists, don't wait until you are suicidal. 



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