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This is the most popular show of Pakistan named as SARR E AAM  this  show is totally based om reality. This  program comes on ARY NEWS by IQRAR UL HASSAN. Iqrar ul Hassan  is a brave man  who  never thinks about his own life while making a news on air. His aim is to kick out wicked people from entire world .Iqrar ul Hassan  was on his his duty while when he receive a phone call that there are some people who smuggling girls in Pakistan ,area Saddar  so he ran over there to see that  who was behind that all matter . When he reached at that spot  he enter  the building where people were present to buy girls and they would sell them  abroad through fake passport .When Iqrar ul Hassan enter the  building with his spy cam  he was shocked  that he have never ever seen something like that before  many people were there and Iqrar was also among them so he was watching that many people were fighting over girls rate .Iqrar went in front to the desk suddenly he saw  girl sitting on chair beside the desk she asks "who are you what you want " Iqrar replied that :" he was there to buy a girl which  he could sell in more price over abroad 'so then the lady got  tense some what by look of Iqrar she thought that  she had seen him before she(the girl) started shouting while the all work was finish  IQRAR UL HASSAN  ran fast and jumped out of the window & then he played that clip on air which  he recorded through spy cam on his program on ARY NEWS in few minutes after making that clip on air he (Iqrar) received many threats  regarding his  life in danger  so  It was unity of Pakistani journalists they together went in CM house sindh Pakistan immediately  to ask them to arrest  those people who were smuggling innocent girls so at that time immediately CM Sindh made a phone call to police to get over the place which Iqrar told him then this chapter was closed smugglers were in jail and those innocent girls were made  back home ^_^n  it was all possible of  Iqrar  and everyone was appreciating him for his work (well done) IQRAR Pakistan is proud of you !

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