Avoid Using phones before sleeping

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Usually we will talk with our friends or relatives through phones before going to bed. Somebody will have the habit of talking in phone after going to bed. It is a bad habit and makes us uncomfort in some of the ways. It will interferes with sleeping patterns.

Well that’s what scientists from Sweden and US said after their study.

Scientists at the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University and Wayne State University in Detroit studied 35 men and 36 women, The Independent reported. Half were exposed to radiation like that emitted by cell phones, while the others thought they were being exposed to it.

What will happen if you use your phone before sleeping?

  1. It will take you longer to get into deep sleep.
  2. You will only get a quick deep sleep or less deep sleep than normal.
  3.  You’ll feel tired when you wake up.

All these are caused by mobile phone radiation. This will affects our sleep and healt

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