Bad News For Olive Oil Lovers

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For those of you who love your olive oil there is terrible news coming out of Europe. This year's crop is the worst in their history according to sources in Europe. There was a warm spring and cool summer coupled with way too much rain as the reason given for this year's bad crop. One of our fellow bubblers who lives in Greece also had big problems with her crop. &katerina picked her crop and was told by the pressing people her whole crop was worthless as it had been infected with worms.

The price of virgin oil out of Italy has more than doubled this year and you will soon be seeing a major increase in the price if you haven't already. This is a topic I would usually never post but I know it is of interest especially in Europe.

Meanwhile back at the ranch the wind is howling and blowing very hard this afternoon.

About the author


I am a simple guy and love travelling and photography very much.

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