Benefits and harms of using mobile phones

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As you all know, cell phones are a means of communication is useful to help people communicate with each other. Today, all subjects are able to use mobile phones. But here I just mentioned subjects are students. So the benefits and harms of how it? I would like to present his views as follows:
       First, I can not deny the importance of mobile phones. As mentioned above, there are means of communication helps you chat, talk to each other. Second, you can use by a number of utilities: alarm, store phone numbers, stored photography ... celebration. Besides, the phone is considered as "genuine" and you can entertain themselves by listening to music or playing games, reading the newspaper over GPRS ... It would be like - will be useful to power users who know ly.Toi phone properly simply think the benefits of this device only.
       I am also a student like you, are also in adulthood, so I understand their expressed needs of young people today are very large. And to express their personality style indispensable "crickets love"? you are willing to spend more money to buy the phone in one and decorate it, set it to the best use? Have you the permission of the family but also many parents used to hide behind. I am sure that your academic work will also partially affected by the use of the phone. Why do I say that? Because of you have a lot of phone users that neglect study. at this age, the less you will call to talk to each message only. So it takes more time. I can give a very specific example. When you are texting someone you will not only private, but not until two dozen private message right? And if the other person to answer your message goes a little late, you will sit waiting, eyes focus on the screen and the phone started always thought, why not get the signal response. Try asking such longer period where I learn? So you just take time to be distracted just thinking, not paying attention to his lessons. But I hope you know that the time budgets of school age in particular and life in general is limited. So when you have more time to do things later useful to rethink not regret, regret nothing. Someone once said: "...". Currently a lot of phones to test different network promotion to entice customers. cards are worth as much as a large promotion. So many people spend a lot of money. So also affect the economy of the family. In the meantime, you can buy a book or something else more valuable. For me, I get permission from the family and are using the phone. Previously I had a short time using a phone inappropriately as mentioned above. So I really have experience. After realizing the harmful effects of using phones for improper purposes I have time to improve. I do not use it at times unnecessary, no contact with other people no matter what's important.

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