Benefits thermos

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Benefits thermos:

- Described as a good tonic for the nerves, and heart stimulant, diuretic, anti some skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, and helps to reduce the sugar in patients, and help relieve constipation and get rid of the worms.  

- Thermos of the richest grain fiber, and this is what makes it the appropriate foods for diabetics, especially that these fibers slows the body's absorption of glucose (simple sugar) resulting from the decomposition of starches and sugars, which resists an increase the level of blood sugar, also found that these fibers, which are available grains in general, as well as resistant to the high level of cholesterol, and resist the occurrence of constipation, and protect against cancer of the large intestine.  
- To get rid of constipation and gas, and to activate the body and tighten loose his temper.  
- Boiled thermos enema is used to eliminate the worms, or massaged his hands and body to get rid of scabies, eczema, feud, and try to eliminate the animals.  
- Fat thermos best remedy for eczema intractable, where anoints him three times a day. How can we get this fat? Place the grip of lupine seeds in a bowl is locked on the back burner, and wait until the Anathema seeds such as coffee and burn.  
- Thermos tonic good for the nerves, because it activates the body and tightens the nerves jaded, a stimulant for the heart, improves digestion, and anti-some skin diseases such as eczema incurable, psoriasis and accurate thermos opens blasted the spleen and liver, especially if cooking vinegar and honey.  
- Is a thermos of Natural Resources to open the appetite and strengthen the meager objects, because it is rich in calcium and phosphorus, as it improves the appetite and strengthens the body.  
- Lupine flour is one of the best materials are used to purify the skin and thermos in which the bitterness of Galloway and analyzes and removes freckles, sores and blisters on the face and experts say it helps in lengthening hair.

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