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People always ask me what’s the best makeup advice I’ve ever gotten. Of course I could nerd out for hours with tip after tip (and often do!) but this piece of advice is definitely the most valuable. Why? Because no matter how expertly you’ve applied your makeup, if you don’t check it in differently lighting, you just might be walking around with a brush bristle on your cheek, a jawline that isn’t fully blended, or heaven forbid, something in your teeth or in your nose (I’ll never understand why I don’t catch those in the bathroom mirror???)! I feel like I’m a really good blender but many times I check in window lighting and it’s a little clowny. Still to this day I get shocked! Not to mention, one day at a stoplight, I discovered that I have a long rogue hair that grows out of the middle of my neck. I mean… it’s just wrong! Anyway, do yourself a favor and double check your makeup and skin in the natural light of a window then quickly again in the visor mirror. It only takes a few seconds and doesn’t cost a thing!

For inquiring minds: Emily is wearing my MSGM faux fur jacket that unfortunately is sold out everywhere but this is a more budget-friendly version! This is the sparkly black diamonds eyeliner that she’s wearing, this is the foundation brush (my all-time favorite but this is a great dupe) in step 1, this is the palette she’s holding in step 2 and this is the lipstick she’s wearing (in Pretty Please)!

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