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Blood donation is a safe process. A needle is used only once for each donor, it is a two-step of process donation and refreshment. Every donor is given a small physical checking the donor's, blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin to confirm that the donor is safe to give blood. Blood donation takes only 10-12 minutes. The adult have 10 units of blood in his body.  In that around 1 unit is given during a donation. The donated blood is tested for HIV and other infectious diseases before it can be transfused to patients. If the result is positive means the donated blood is safe and secure then it will transfer to the patients.


Donating the blood will reduce the heart disease for men and The good news is if you donate blood again and again to help save more lives! If you are a regular blood donor, you can give blood once in every 12 weeks. Survey says every 2 seconds someone in country needs blood to save life every year our country needs four core units of blood in that five lakh units of blood only available.  Every donors say they give blood is because they "want to help others, their blood save someone life" people who don't give blood says it because of the "Never thought about it" and "they don't like needles." But they don’t think it may save someone life they don’t know that one donation can help save the lives of three people.

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