Bring it on 2016!

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must start this blog with an apology for not writing sooner. Ironically, after writing my last post about winter and the endless list of illness you WILL acquire with kids… I got ill. Really ill!! I ended up on 2 courses of antibiotics and only began to feel my self again a few days before Christmas. Sorry it has taken me so long for this post!!!

I hope everybody had lovely holidays and a wonderful New Years! I, for one, am glad to be into 2016 and getting back to normality. It didn’t help that on Christmas Eve, upon deciding to prep the meat for the big day, I discovered our second fridge hadn’t been cool enough, leaving us with no meat for the big day! I was absolutely not going to risk making everyone ill, so nut roast we had instead for our Christmas meal! To be honest, we had so much other food overall that it wasn’t the end of the world.

I think this year really has been our busiest yet with family parties in the Cotswolds, to Arsenal celebrations in London, seeing my cherished friends and preparing for the festive days at home.


This year was even better than the last with Finley. He really loved opening the presents… all the presents in fact, even the ones for Grandma and Grandad, Aunty Sarah and Luna (no one’s presents were safe)! Although we all say this year after year, it truly is amazing when the box or bubble wrap a present comes in, beats the actual present; I guess sensory play really is irresistible to an almost two-year-old. Finley also really loved having his cousin over and is such a boy. Before having kids, I’d heard many people say that boys and girls are quite different and I always found this hard to believe and very stereotypical. But now that I have a boy, wow, I can believe it! He has an endless supply of energy and eagerness to match a team of adults (mum, dad, aunties and uncles as well as grandparents). Add this to older kids being around and he ups a level. It’s such an insight into what makes us up, and our natural personalities that are there before our environment gets a hold of us. I loved every second of watching the kids play, interact and learn how to be around each other.


I LOVE Christmas with all the lights, songs, decorations, and festiveness but after 3-4 weeks of it, it’s also nice to see the back of it (and get the decorations down which have been filling half the space in our house)! Though I’m certainly not complaining, I’ve been enjoying the transition from endless visits from family and friends, and constant eating to the calmness of normal daily routines!

Prior to having Finley, I never realised how important having a routine is for a child (and of course, the parents). In my eyes, it’s pretty much the only thing you can control in attempting to prevent tantrums or meltdowns and get you through the day!

Finley likes to know what is happening in the day, so in the mornings I always take the time to tell him what we are doing. I feel it provides him with some direction, rather than simply having to follow me and do what I say, when I ask. If he knows we are going out, he will get his shoes (and snack for the car, knowing that he won’t eat it until he’s in the car) because he has an understanding of what is happening. I must stress that it’s no military operation; I personally try not to focus too heavily on time, but use it as a guideline. Anyone who knows me knows I am terrible at time keeping, even at the best of times.


On to a new year and on to New Year’s resolutions, I have never been a strong believer because I don’t think I have ever met a single person who has kept a News Year’s resolution for an entire year. (If you have, please tell me how you did it!!!) It’s probably because we make grand gestures of going to the gym 3 times a weeks or cutting out something that we love (never going to happen) which for a whole year is very hard. That being said, I would love to hear all about yours and how you plan to keep them!

For my resolution this year I have decided to set a goal of trying something new once a month! It sounds very vague, I know, but gives me the freedom to try something new from food, to an activity, to fashion.  I reckon I should be able to manage this one! I’ll be sure to share them with you guys here when they pan out all right… or don’t! Got any ideas for me? Bring it on!

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