Bull Mastiff

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 The Bullmastiff is courageous, loyal, calm, and loving with those it knows. It has a very strong protective instinct and will defend its owners against anything it perceives as a threat. However, it does not normally attack to protect.

Instead, it knocks the intruder over with its massive size and pins them to the ground, or, will simply stand in front of the stranger or intruder and refuse to let them pass. Bullmastiffs become intensely attached to their families and do best when they can live inside with them.

Their protective instinct combined with their great size and natural wariness of strangers means that early socialization is a must. The Bullmastiff may or may not get along well with other dogs. Occasionally, females in heat will also not get along with other females.

The Bullmastiff gets along well with children and is very loving towards them. Parental supervision must be maintained when they are with children; they may knock smaller children down accidentally because of their large size.  

Bull Mastiff Facts

Name: BullMastiff
Origin: Great Britain
Average Size: 69cm (27in)
Average Weight: 59kg (130lbs)
Average Life Span: 10 years
Group: Mastiff
Colour: Brown, Black, Tan, Fawn, Cream
Average Litter Size: 8
Temperament: Devoted, alert and fearless
Training: Should be trained from an early age due to their independent nature

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My name is Muslim khan I am civil engineer .birthday is 02feb1992 I m liking new project .I m making movies of my project .see that

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