Clean your home

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Tips for Speed Cleaning and Cleaning strategies

Clean Your House From Top to Bottom

Clean Your House From Top to Bottom

To really clean a house in less than a day you will need to adapt a good strategy so that you know exactly what to do and how to do it, and that you will not accidentally knock dirt into one of the cleaned parts of your home.
Moreover, by adopting a good strategy you can not only speed up cleaning, but you will be able to completely clean your house more efficiently and with less effort. Likewise, if you speed clean your home it will be possible to complete other chores around the house as well.

Top to bottom

To effectively dust your home, it is important to start from one point and move in one direction so that you know that you will get to all the dust around the home, If you have a multi-story home then begin at the top and move down, bungalows, flat, apartment, cottages you can begin at a fixed point at one end moving in a single direction until you have covered the whole home. Furthermore, it is important to complete one task throughout the whole house, yes you will have to walk a lot, but consider it a good exercise. It is important to dust on top of furniture as well, this is where a lot of the dust collects and then later spreads around the house.

Glass surfaces

Once you are done with dusting it is time to move on to various glass surfaces, it is important to learn the secret art of using a dry and a wet microfiber cloth so that you will not leave any streaks or marks on the glass surfaces. Apply generous amounts of glass cleaners and wipe them off with a dry cloth. This way you will be able to quickly clean and move on to the other parts of the house where you will need to clean other mirrors or windows, or any other glass surfaces.


It is vital to disinfect and wipe down all the surfaces that come into contact with hands: door knobs, handles and even switches are a breeding areas for bacteria and filth. Change your kitchen sponge frequently, thoroughly clean the TV or radio remote, and pay attention to the land-line phones as those also attract a lot of grime and bacteria.


Clean Your House From Top to Bottom

Clean Your House From Top to Bottom

Carpets are one of the dirtiest items in the house. If you have an average strength vacuum cleaner, it might not be strong enough to get the dirt and from between rugs fibers, it might pay you to invest in a vacuum cleaner that has a stronger suction power. For dried in stains and more detailed cleaning  you can use a  domestic steam cleaner  moreover you can use them for all tiles and wooden areas in your home.

Cleaning the kitchen

Cleaning the kitchen will require a lot of attention, and frequent cleaning, because it is being used a lot. It is important to properly clean out the oven, or you can cut down with cleaning by using oven liner. If you clean regularly after every meal preparation, or you wash dishes while you are cooking, it can help reduce cleaning time spent in the kitchen.

Cleaning the bathroom

Bathrooms are notorious for being hard to clean, but if you design a regime that can be completed quickly, cleaning will be done in no time. Remember that you can spray the cleaning agents on all the bathroom parts: tubs, sinks, toilets and tiles; then leave it sit for a while, return and scrub it well.

This way you will see what needs extra attention in order to get cleaned properly and you will be able to take a breather while you wait for the cleaning agents to set in.


Melissa is a professional writer/blogger,   and during her spare time she engage in crafting, housekeeping, and organizing her family life. For some time now she has written articles pertaining to DIY, environmentally friendly issues, parenting topics, and finding practical solutions for a simpler and more convenient lifestyle.

About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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