Compilation of Quotes I

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1.) I'm really good at giving other people life advice but when it comes to my own life I have no idea what i'm doing.

2.) Fake friends are no different than shadows, they stick around during your brightest moments, but disappear during your darkest hours.

3.) I really don't care about what anyone thinks of me. I am who I am, I do what I want & I don't live to please you.

4.) I cannot wait for the day when somebody tells me I am the best thing that ever happened to them.. & they mean it.

5.) I'm not single, I'm not taken, I'm simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart.

6.) I want a hug. Not just a normal hug, one of those tight hugs that take my breath away, give me butterflies, and make me smile like crazy.

7.) Grow up, let go, and leave your comfort zone.

8.) It's crazy how you can go months or years without talking to someone but they still cross your mind everyday.

9.) Don't get burned twice by the same flame.

10.) You call it "jealousy". I call it "fear of losing you".

11.) Sometimes I think too much and then put myself in a bad mood.

12.) Don't rush into love, because even in fairy tales, the happy ending takes place on the last page.

13.) That moment when you hear a song and every single word perfectly describes your situation.

14.) I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.

15.) Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not worry, not obsess. Just have faith that everything will work out for the best.

About the author


I Am Superman!

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