Consequences of Hearing defects

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Consequences of Hearing defects

Hearing defects

It is the hearing loss disease that a person is suffering with less hearing capacity or even not hearing any kind of sound.Now a days hearing loss is common and every 10 persons 1 is suffered with disease.


It is due to many reasons.
Some are inherited
Noise pollution from traffic
Noise pollution from factories


Some are due to environmental problems like gradual increases in the traffic and factories they always make a huge sound which irritate the peoples known as noise pollution.
Peoples are working in factories do not use personal protective equipments, this may cause the severe hearing loss. Hearing loss do not only damaged the ears but it also damaged the nervous system.
Peoples become irritated and making conflict with the people without any reason.

Peoples are at high risk

Hearing loss is mostly in old age peoples or in the children.


Uses personal protective equipments
Uses low volume sound of TV, players
Uses ear phones

About the author


I am Abbs. From Kuwait
I am as a writer here in BITLANDER..!

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