After 4 days love does not leave at the lodge, two people had fallen into a state of incapacity emergency hospitalization, fluids.

Almost died just want to be "in love" all day

In many years of specialized scientific men, Dr. Nguyen Khac Loi, former vice dean Foreign E Hanoi hospital, most memorable pair of case patients Prosecutor Phan Th. And Trinh Van D. Nhue residence in Hanoi.

Meanwhile, Dr. Loi while working at a hospital clinic near E. In the early morning, just open the clinic, the doctor is busy I met two special guests helped each other from opposite motels entered.

Just look at the last two patients, doctors diagnosed the cause they lost power, due to depletion of the body's "love" is too high. When the doctor inquired, he could not answer that D. is falling down on the bed. Also Th. stunned and exhausted limbs.

Doctor Nguyen Khac Loi said the case of the young couple.

Measuring blood pressure for patients, both deep lower blood pressure, bradycardia, cold hands and feet. Doctors conducting fluids, electrolytes compensate for the two youngsters.

Then Th. more alert. Th. said the other two new acquaintances on the Internet but sentiment has been challenged and proven many times. D. State Nhue also in Ninh Binh Th. Visit to Hanoi girls who love to vacation rentals in Tran Supply to close lover.

From Th. to Hanoi, D. also "transshipped" Vacation with a girlfriend. Here, two people clinging to each other like glue does not leave. In deference girlfriend ,. D. run out of the drug store collections around all kinds of condoms, as well as adjunct capacity loss prevention.

After 4 days forget to take the time to eat, "love", D and Th. are tired. In the morning, when Th. map pack maps preparations to return home, remember D. girlfriend should ask "love again".

As a result, two people close together, then add the 1 bit D lost power, lie down on the bed, cold hands and feet. Th fear not know how to be a boyfriend should seek support staff motels.

They introduce polyclinics to be two people facing each other helped himself to. When brought her boyfriend to the clinic, Th. tired of no strength should lie in it for the emergency physician, fluid and electrolyte compensation.

When asked about the number of times your doctor relationship, Th, can not remember. She only knew two people in a state often "first sleep".

One was "in love" with 2.5 tons of coal exposed

In the patient's health record, physician income retained to remind his fellow patients. Interest doctor once said love for man is equivalent to the amount consumed calories for about 2.5 tons of coal exposure, the 2-mile walk. If you are not healthy, "love" is too high can lead to death.

Interest doctor said the concept of human neck, the old stuff was compiled rule number 9, namely: At the age of 20: 2 x 9 = 18 (ie 1 week relationship is just 8 times right).

Age 30: 3 x 9 = 27 (ie 2 weeks relation 7 times). Age 40: 4 x 9 = 36 (ie 3 weeks relation 6 times). Age 50: 5 x 9 = 45 (ie, 4 weeks relation 5 times). Age 60: 6 x 9 = 54 (ie 5 weeks relation 4 times) ...

This is entirely correct and appropriate. Many young people abusing their health that can do that many times is dangerous.

With young people, if only to spontaneous half day to a day later they need to do "love". For people aged early twenties, when excited, they can "love" a second time after doing a 5-10 minute, second third after about 20-30 minutes.

One day, they can "love" to 6-7 times. But when love is not nourish healthy food, eat to compensate for the lost ka lo, it can cause depletion of acute danger to life.

While at the doctor advised, if many ties, need to mobilize and exercise for 15 minutes to relax the body, muscles and joints healthy, blood circulation.