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Generally, babies ducks can only hatch after incubation for 30 days. Prior to shed eggs fertilized duck we check first using the lights. Its function is to help see the condition of the embryo that is in duck eggs. Eggs are normal embryo condition, is inserted into a heated cabinets to incubate for 2 weeks. Until the embryo develops into a baby duck.

After 2 weeks of baby ducks in eggs has been able to maintain their own body temperature. After that remove the eggs of ducks from the closet warmers. Furthermore, incubating the eggs at room temperature about 2 weeks until they hatch. Ducks newly hatched young are directly transferred to the stable maintenance. Brought to basket yaa. The stable maintenance of the ducks we give food or adequate food, in the form of bran or rice bran. Later this duck kids to be distributed and sold as broiler ducks and laying ducks.

Many cite the same duck with duck. Though ducks and duck was actually different loh ..! Ducks can be identified by the characteristics of a leaner body, so as to stand upright and move swiftly when walking. In contrast to the duck whose bodies tend to be fat, slow-moving and running with the body horizontal. Well already announcing the difference ducks with duck .. !!

Alabio is one kind of duck which is quite popular in Indonesia. Type Alabio native of Borneo widely cultivated areas north of the river upstream alabio district of South Kalimantan. Alabio has a characteristic brown fur with white spots and a yellow beak and feet bright. Alabio including waterfowl species that has two functions. Because it can be used as laying ducks and duck meat.

Only enlargement Alabio as duck meat is still much in demand, because they are less profitable. Alabio more profitable if farmed for their eggs taken alone. Alabio female is very easy to lay eggs. Even in one day can spawn up to 2 times. Laying duck farming techniques are usually performed by dividing the female ducks into several groups. Where each group contains 10 to 15 individuals. Each group has been provided one special place to lay eggs made from a wooden box. In this way the control of ducks and their eggs so much easier.

The success of the laying duck farming is highly dependent on feed given. Just like humans at least 3 times a day. Their preferred feed is corn, bran, and some aquatic animals such as small fish, shrimp and snails. In addition Alabio farmed in cages can also be bred with detachable manner. That is by way of detachable in the marsh during the day. So the ducks can play while looking for his own eating. This way is usually only used to maintain broiler ducks only. Though troublesome but could save costs, because it does not need to provide more fodder for ducks. Alabio really like the marsh habitat. This habitat of ducks can dive the water to catch small fish, shrimp and snails. Additionally, they can eat the lotus seed is old.

Well if a visit to alabio feels incomplete if not stop Alabio market, because the duck market is only open on Wednesday alone. Alabio this market can also find different types of ducks and ducks were deliberately brought here to be sold. Ranging from young ducks to duck adult. The vendors here are not only serve buyers for 1 tail / 2 tails, but tens to hundreds of ducks. Most of the buyers are from out of town, some from Banjarmasin / Palangkaraya or other cities island of Borneo.

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