DanTDM Minecraft | THE PIZZERIA INSPECTOR | Custom Mod Adventure | TDM

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DanTDM Minecraft | THE PIZZERIA INSPECTOR | Custom Mod Adventure | TDM
 This Youtuber has started his second season on "The Diamond Dimensions" which has over 60 mods and more than 100 episodes Dan had sorrow in his newest diamond dimensions his daughter Trinntey ran away. He also has vlogs  that he does consistently. He has recently started doing videos on the pocket edition. Dan is married to Jemma (JemPlaysMC) and they have a pet Pug named Ellie.

[DanTDM Mode]
[Custom adventure]
[DanTDM Custom Mod Adventure]
[Diamond Minecart Mode]
[Minecraft Mode]
[The Diamond Minecart Custom Mod Adventure]
DanTDM Minecraft | THE PIZZERIA INSPECTOR | Custom Mod Adventure | TDM