Dear Abbey, Something is wrong with this picture.

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Before I came to Nebraska to visit my son's family and their new born baby, I was requested to get whooping cough vaccinations. Like a good grandmother, I obliged and got my shots.

In addition to their absolutely adorable baby girl, they have two dogs. These are not fufu lap dogs, but big dogs that run wild outdoors sniffing anything they can get their noses on.

They come running wildly back in the house bringing with them the great outdoors, the dirty muddy outdoors.

Not used to dogs at all, I have been vacuuming and mopping the floors to make sure that my sweet little granddaughter does not get dog stuff all over her.

After all, with me getting the shots, I did my share of trying to keep her free from unwanted stuff.

What makes me cringe is that very often times , they come by and lay their heads or noses right by her head or her cute little fingers.

I know dog noses are not innocent.

And here is the worse part, for me at least... My son uses the same spoons that we use at the dinner table to feed the dogs peanut butter.... Yes, the spoons that I have been using these past few days! Isn't that borderline unsanitary?

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