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A desert is a dry, barren place where rain rarely falls. Some deserts are huge areas of sand. Some are flat, stony plains where a few scrubby plants grow. Others are bare, rocky, and mountainous. The hottest deserts are near the Equator. Only a few animals and plants can survive the harsh desert climate.

Desert plants often store rainwater that lasts through long dry spells. Some grow only when it rains. Their seeds sprout quickly, and flowers bloom for several days. The plants soon die, but millions of new seeds lie waiting for the next rainfall.

In some deserts, sand blown by the wind forms hills called dunes.

A cactus is a desert plant with roots that spread over a wide area to catch as much rain as possible.

An oasis (oh-AY-sis) is an area in a desert with a supply of water from underground. People grow food there. Date palm trees shade the plants that produce other fruits, vegetables, and grains such as wheat and barley.

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