Did you know that...

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1. Barbados is the most easterly of the caribbean islands. Some say our location might be the reason as to why we get spared a lot from natural disasters.

2. Barbados doesn't have states , instead we have parishes, eleven to be exact.

3. We gained independence from England and were often referred to as + Little Bristol.

4. Barbados is only 166 square miles, yes a pretty tiny island.

5. Driving is on the left hand side of the road.

6. Our currency is fixed to the US dollar, 1 US = $2 bds

7. Barbados got its name from the bearded fig tree which still remains in the island today.

8. English is the main language spoken but some persons may speak bajan dialect.

9. Barbados has a democratic society.

10. Cou Cou and flying fish is our national dish.





About the author


I am a cool person who enjoys the simpler things in life. I enjoy reading, singing, writing, travelling and meeting new people.
I am also new to the world of network marketing and working online.. it has its challenges but i will make it.

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