Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

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Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

One might say that there are many advantages of mobile phones nowadays and there is no doubt about that. The main advantages is the mobility factor, you can bring your phone everywhere without missing a call, especially the important ones. With advantages there are disadvantages as well, some greater outweighs the obvious. If you are skeptical to latest technology, you can weigh your options and you may need to know these disadvantages of mobile phones yourself. So the question remains, whether a mobile phone is essential for everyday living or it has more disadvantages for you not to own it.

The biggest disadvantages of owning your personal mobile phone. Not all the time it is advantageous, sometimes you are more capable without mobile phones. But if you look at it, mobile phones really did make life more easier and more convenient. Sometimes this convenience may become a disadvantage. Mobile phones make you a target for people who are in need and will probably rob you. Most of the marketed mobile phones are quiet expensive and this makes them very desirable for people with bad intentions and to steal them. Many said that these comes with other technology nowadays as well, like laptops and notebooks, but mobile phones are the easiest to snatch and trust me, thieves would love to get them off your hands. Another greatest drawbacks of owning a mobile telephone. You have to be careful with it. Should you lost it somewhere, you cannot find it easily. If you place it about the roof of the car, do not overlook to take it off. If you forget, you will have a pancake instead than a telephone. It is not a pretty scene.

Mobile phones are a great invention and almost a perfect technological breakthrough. Nevertheless, do not be fooled by these small and beautiful inventions because they carry danger within them. Now that you know most of the disadvantages of mobile phones. The big bulky price tag and losing your privacy are just two of the many disadvantages it carries. But still, mobile phones are something we cannot live without, and we bet you do too.


Negative Impact on Personal Contact

The stereotype depicts a teenager at the dinner table, completely disinterested in family time, instead being completely occupied with text messaging and mobile instant messenger. This also happens to be a problem at school. Cell phones may dehumanize the dynamics of human contact. Some people may not know how to interact in real life anymore, preferring the safety and comfort of a well-timed SMS.

Drawing back to the point of never-ending interruptions, cell phones can also detract from personal contact at business meetings, casual outings, and other get-togethers. People get too occupied with their Black Berries and other devices, not interacting with the real-life people in front of them.


Cell phones can ring in the middle of movies, music concerts, plays and other areas where silence is required, such as libraries, bookstores and hospital rooms. This happens despite signs and verbal requests. In addition, the glow of cell phone screens from text messages can annoy and distract people in the darkness of a theater. 


Cell phone use while operating a vehicle has caused so many accidents that five states had banned calls and 12 had prohibited text messaging, as of 2009. Furthermore, 18 states had banned all cell phone use by school drivers, while 21 had prohibited all use by novice drivers.

Lack of Privacy

Because cell phones provide no audio feedback through the earpiece, some people talk much louder with cell phones than they do through land lines. This exposes the people around them to their conversations.

No Isolation

Gone are the days of "getting away from it all." Cell phones make it difficult to remain out of contact with bosses, friends and family members. Even if you turn off your ringer, callers can fill your voice mail and your text inbox with messages.


Cell phones emit low levels of RF (radio frequency) radiation. Large amounts of this energy can heat and damage tissue, especially around the eyes and testicles, which do not have enough blood flow to carry away such heat. There is also concern that cell phones might cause cancer, headaches, sleep problems and memory loss.

Although the dangers of cell phone towers have not been officially confirmed or refuted, there is certainly some evidence that points toward tumors caused by cell phones. When you consider what are the disadvantages of mobile phones, perhaps the greatest negative impact could be the effects that mobile phones may have on a person's health. Among the negative health effects associated with proximity to cell phone towers are DNA damage, sleeplessness, eye cancer, infertility, cardiac problems, and chronic fatigue.

The evidence is still inconclusive, but with an ongoing exposure to these levels of radiation, there is a distinct possibility that there is something to be considered here.



Disadvantages of Mobile Phones:

Mobile phones can be expensive

2 They can damage your ear

3 Sometimes the reception is poor in some areas, limiting your connectivity (you can't talk underground or on planes).

4 People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems.

5 They can limit your face to face time with friends and family

6 if stolen can be misused (pictures, mobile numbers)

7 Can be hard to find the right package

8 Can ruin the connection to the computer.

9 Staff can abuse their phones if they have Internet connection

10 Can be hard for older people to use.

11 Because of their smaller size, they can be easy to lose.

Although there are some advantages of giving cell phones to children, the disadvantages are actually greater. One of the main reasons why children want to own a cell phone is because their friends have it. Also, having cell phones are considered to be cool where they can be in constant touch with their friends through calls and texts. Moreover, the cell phones that are available nowadays have several applications where they can take pictures, listen to music, browse the Internet, chat, etc. It is these things that make children want to have the cell phones.

Apart from the above given problems, there are many more risks associated with giving cell phones to children. It has been observed that children tend to waste lot of time calling or texting their friends, sometimes ignoring their studies. Moreover, giving cell phones to children also makes them vulnerable to check Internet sites which you have banned at home. Other than these problems, giving cell phones to children can also expose them to health problems too. Studies conducted by scientists have shown that too much exposure of the cell phones can give rise to physical problems.


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