Do not neglect Calls

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A few months ago while I was at work, suddenly came a guest who happened to be looking for one of the staff at my place of work. As a good host would I invite the guests to come in my room while waiting for a friend who was looking for.

After a while a friend who wanted the guests arrive and then they shake hands. While office tasks piling up I catch their conversation. It turns out they are Master and Disciples. The students are so excited to share the experience with a teacher who is now in front of him. Call it the teacher is Mr. Amir and the student is the Anwar. After a while talking the Anwar request permission to perform prayers dhuzur. At the time, it had entered dhuzur prayer time.

After the prayer, then reentered the room Anwar Amir. Mr. Amir then asked about the work done by the Anwar. Anwar replied "Thank God, sir, the results of my efforts is sufficient to provide a living for my wife and children". On a whim I asked, "is what works mas?". He replied "only cafe business". Question then I continue, "indeed ga loss mas cafe business at a time like this?". He replied "Thank God, there are set fortune anyway". He mentioned that the café daily turnover is never less than 100 thousand.

Answer a little strange in my mind. How much effort as possible in the time available cafe he could to be able to turnover until 100 thousand ?. Chat stop here.

When I looked at his face, had the mark of a wound on his forehead. Then I tried to ask about the wound in his forehead. He said as a result of his accident. This story.

That afternoon he wanted from Surabaya to Malang because there is an affair. Up in the area Pandaan - Pasuruan, he heard the call to prayer rang out midday already. Had he uttered the phrase "ah moment, bear, later all midday prayers at Malang. As long as the road was clear and not jammed ". Hose for a few minutes later he had an accident. The car he was driving crashed into a motorcycle that suddenly stopped in front of him. End of story he finally dealing with the authorities especially the victim died. Got him in jail because of the accident case.

End of story, to solve the problems of the accident he spent no less than 90 million. In addition to the victim's family sponsored the accident, the money is also used to make the vehicle being held as evidence. Try to imagine how much of the money. But the anwar very grateful because he just lost 90 million.

I heard his statement could only sigh. Then Anwar continued. Turns out he did a fatal mistake, and in the end he suffered the accident. Because he delay time in the midday prayer journey. Then I ask, is wrong yes delay time of prayer especially being on the way?

Anwar replied "Mas ... if you call your child one child then you come, if you are happy or angry?". I replied "happy". Then he asked again "if you call your child but the child said, briefly well, each busy neh, how do you feel?". I again replied "yes kesel mas, cook son called his father instead give due time".

Then the back Anwar asked me "If God is calling you, to immediately prayers, through the call to prayer echoed and you do not immediately come, approximately Allah how ya mas?"

I can not answer that question, because in fact during my work, even though the sound of the call to prayer, I always do not pray on time ". Then I ask you the reader ..

"If God is calling you, to immediately prayers, through a call to the call to prayer and you do not immediately come, about Allah what about you?"

About the author


I'am Movie Maker

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