Does Everyone Get Jealous?

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One of my friends said to me that no matter what they just don't get jealous anymore. Apparently now at the age of 40 she has outgrown jealousy as if it was like throwing a tantrum in the middle of a shopping centre or something.

I think she is delusional. She said that as long as the relationship has trust she has no reason to be jealous.

I don't think trust has anything to do with it at all. Yes you may know that your partner loves you and would never cheat on you but no woman is going to approve of some random girl hitting on her husband/boyfriend. I trust my guy I don't trust some random girl.

She thinks such a situation wouldn't affect her in the slightest because she has to quote her 'grown out of any feelings of jealousy'.

I would bet every penny I own that if her boyfriend was being hit on by some pretty blonde 20 something her tune would change and the green eyed monster would without doubt show its ugly head.

Maybe I am cynical or maybe I'm just realistic but we have emotions for a reason. We feel jealous for a reason. I'm not planning on out growing my emotions any time soon.

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