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I'm not able to share here that I am done reading the book Three Weeks With My Brother by Nicholas Sparks. It's a good book to read. It's a story about his personal life. Anyway at time like 2003, base on the book, he's like so busy and no time for down time. Slowing down.

I think I need down time as well. Though I don't have the money to travel the world like him. He he. In the book, he and his brother travel the world. Me, what will I do to distress myself and do some down time too? Hmm.

These past year I am working so hard(kidding). I mean doing the same thing you're doing everyday, it is sometimes tiring as well right?

Hope I will have that down time too, and hopefully it is soon. Even just a simple visit to places I never gone before will do, of course I need some company. I will ask my friends. :bb