Dowry System

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The Dowry system is the oldest system in India. Dowry is a gift which is demanded by Bridegroom and his family from the family of bride in the face of Jewelry and Cash. Nowadays they also ask for electrical appliances and vehicles. This system puts the bride’s family in to a big financial burden. The bridegroom’s family according to education and the looks of the Bridegroom decides the amount of dowry. This system increased the domestic violence against women. Sometimes dowry leads to the murder of the bride. The Bridegroom family tortures bride for money and physically abuse her. This system is also a big cause of female child murder. In India itself, thousands of baby girls are terminated every year due to they are girls and parents are not capable of paying dowry. However, the government of India has banned Dowry System. Though taking and giving of dowry is a crime, according to Indian Civil law under the act of 1961 Dowry prohibition act sections 304B and 498A of the Indian penal court it is continued in some of the Indian states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Rajasthan. Hundreds of cases are registered on daily basis on the violence takes place against women because of dowry system.

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