Duck rice dear Son Cak Yudi (16 The Most Delicious Culinary Surabaya)

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Duck rice dear Son Cak Yudi

Culinary tourism in Surabaya which further is a place to eat delicious and popular in the city of Surabaya, which is dear Son Duck Rice Cak Yudi with a menu mainstay is based foods duck meat served with savory flavors and soft, then add the sauce Pencit LAFI or young mango sauce with a distinctive taste.

Culinary place in Surabaya which one is open at Jalan Tanjung Torowitan No. 39 and unique places to eat in Surabaya is open only 3 hours which start at 15:00 until 18:00 only. So if you want to enjoy the culinary place in Surabaya is you have to come early.

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