Earthquake in pakistan and afghanistan.

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On 26th October 2015. A massive earth quake with the magnitude of 8.1 hits the area of Pakistan and Afghanistan and made an massive impact.100 of houses just destroyed and this earthquake was the highest magnitude disaster happened across Pakistan and Afghanistan. Approximately 400 hundred peoples expired in it and thousands of people were still badly injured. Some of them are still in a critical condition and the aftershocks are still happening in the earthquake prone areas. Most of the religious views and scientific views tells us the stories about earth quake that how it occurs? Scientific views claim their scientific points and what the religious point of view said is also another view, According to religious point of view this all happens when in a country where killing,suicide,sexual harassment becomes very usual and they don't offers prayer and do bad things without thinking of that they will also die one day and they will surely give answers which were asked to them. About they have done in the world they didn't think about it. In many Islamic sayings, The one i should let you people know about it is that when the punishment of ALLAH will effect a community. The people who were responsible for the punishment will also take the good persons of community with the punishment, Because if the good peoples are existing in that community then why is the bad peoples are doing these things? They have to guide them and make them good too. So just like their are so many good peoples in Pakistan and Afghanistan too. But those who are responsible for this earthquake were the main reasons for it. With bad peoples doing bad deeds the good ones also faced such situations. So if the good peoples would guide them properly so the punishment of ALLAH will never ever happened to the countries or states InSha ALLAh. Last but not the least May ALLAH give patience to the departed families and give the departed souls a place in jannat Ameen.

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