Election Red Zone - Beware Right Wing Hysteria

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Even without a calendar, you can always tell when we are within two weeks of an election. The GOP, TeaPublican and American Taliban branches on the Republican Tree go nuts.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Indeed, it might be. Hopefully, it will fall on those that strive to deceive.

I have learned that by now the best thing for me to do is tune out the political news. For example. One of my favorite shows on TV is GPS, the Global Public Square, hosted by Fareed Zakaria on CNN. He is intelligent, presents both sides of every topic and fair. His show is on the TV right now, yet I have the sound turned down, because this close to an election his guests cannot contain themselves.

Thank God the election will soon be over. Then we can ponder, discuss, or just plain ignore the results. I hope you are registered, informed and will vote your preferences, what ever they may be.

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