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Choosing the right E-mail Marketing Software

Choosing the right e-mail marketing software can be a bit tricky. First you have to determine what your goals are for your business, what you hope to achieve. Look at e-mail marketing in general, learn as much as you can before looking at what e-mail marketing software you will require for your particular e-mail marketing campaign. Next you need to decide what you expect from the software you will purchase and lastly you need to come to a decision of what you are prepared to spend.


  1. Choosing e-mail marketing software, you can look at two choices, free or paying for a worthwhile program. While there are a number of free e-mail marketing software programs available, because it is free it could be limited an not have the same benefits and features that a paid software program will have.


  1. Will the program operated on the PC or will it be web-based. If it is PC based then that means that you will have to install a program onto your computer to operate the system. With a PC based program you will pay for in it one large lump sum.


A Web based program you will log in and operate and manage it from the website. One advantage of a web based system, you can access it from anywhere in the world, on any computer. You are offered two choices, to look for a script programs and install it onto your own server, or you can make use of software that is housed on another computer. Web based payments offer a choice of either a month to month basis, quarter to quarter basis or as an annual subscription.


  1. Can you personalise your e-mails, most free programs do not offer that feature. Personalising your e-mails means the program will automatically put the subscribers name in the salutation of the e-mail, if the subscriber receives the e-mail addresses personally to him or her, then they will feel as if they have been personally approached and this help build up a relationship between yourself and your subscriber.


  1. Is the software program capable of creating HTML newsletters? HTML newsletters are becoming the industry standard, a newsletter that can offer HTML can give so much more than a basic e-mail, it can create colourful, attractive e-mails that will catch the eye and compel the reader to want to read more.


  1. What is the limit to the number of emails that can be sent out? Some programs have a limited number of e-mails that can be sent out, weekly, monthly and annually. When pre-planning your software try to buy the one that can offer the highest number of e-mail per period.


  1. Do the e-mail marketing software developers/owners offer technical support? Technical support is extremely important aspect of paying for an e-mail marketing software. Technical support will give you peace of mind knowing if there are any problems there are technically minded people capable of sorting out your problems in a prompt and speedy manner.


  1. Does the software offer updates, with new technology constantly coming on to the market, e-mail marketing software program must be updated. It is to you and your subscribers benefit to have updates.


Ultimately, you need to be able to effectively be able to manage your e-mail marketing campaign, with the help of a good e-mail marketing software program.



About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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