Engineer Girl

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What They Do

Have you ever wondered what engineers actually do? Lots of things!

  • Engineers design. 
  • They create. 
  • They explore. 
  • They innovate. 
  • Engineers come in all shapes and sizes. 
  • They receive education and training in many different fields.
  • They work in many different environments. 
  • Engineers create products used in our every-day lives, and rovers that land on Mars.

Building Glaciers on top of the World

Their freshman conference paper turned into a high altitude, earth-changing project.


Obama's New Engineers


President Obama is revamping the government and he's using engineers to do it!


The most powerful women engineers in the world

Business Insider has selected 23 of the most powerful women in tech.


Printing Organs!


New advances in 3D printing mean biomedical engineers are on the verge of some amazing new technologies.


Are Engineers
Human ?

Patricia Galloway has found herself answering that question for some who still believe that engineering is not a great career for women. In this talk given for TedxManhattanBeach, she shares her own experiences in choosing engineering as a career and explains why she feels it is important to reach out to students and tell them about what engineering really is...using your creativity to help the world!


Drones: Flying Home - Extending their influence from battlefields to domestic skies

Drone technology originally developed for the military is making its way into everyday life.


Engineering Management: Where Business and Engineering Meet

Using engineering skills in business is just part of the job.


Cool, Clear Water

The next person who delivers a cool, clear glass of water to you may be a civil or chemical engineer.


Computers Can See

Computer vision is a sub-field of artificial intelligence concerned with analyzing data from pictures.


What Would You Do with a Concrete Canoe

The ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition offers civil engineering students the opportunity start with a basic design and work with it to make it their own.


Engineering Fields Overview

Every day, about 200 different types of engineers use math, scientific knowledge, and, most importantly, creativity to develop practical technology that helps society. But what exactly do those engineers do?


Designing a Jaguar

Rebecca Lees has worked on high-profile projects for Jaguar Land Rover including the new Jaguar F-Type.


How would you use your super powers

Engineers save the world every day! How will you use your super power?


Forget "engineering." Let's call it "having a blast."

Mikell's love of engineering comes from something much more exciting than just liking math or science.


Shine Bright Like a Morpho

Engineers look to butterfly wings to inspire the fabric of the future.


Sharks Take a Bite Out of Disease

The ocean's top predators teach engineers a few things about controlling bacteria.


An EngineerGirl Visits the National Academies

A trip to the Washington, DC area gave one EngineerGirl a look behind the scenes at the National Academies.


Helping Penguins Take a Load Off

Engineers at Northwestern University designed special boots to protect the feet of these well-dressed birds.


MIT ‘cheetah’ robot rivals running animals in efficiency

Robot’s custom-designed electric motors are powerful and efficient.


She is changing the way girls play

Debbie Sterling is a Stanford-trained engineer. Like many young girls she once thought engineering was intimidating and nerdy and didn’t know much about it. She later learned how vital and exciting an engineering career can be. But when she realized that only 11% of engineers are women and that girls as young as 8 years old already begin losing interest in important subjects like math and science she set out to use her engineering skills to make a difference.


About the author


Hi i am Shaheel, working in Aptech as IT Help desk

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