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Our world is full of natural resources but the need of to utilize that resources well. Below are some main topic which I like to share with you. 


Climate Change and water Risk

Climate change have the significant impact on water sustainability Natural Resource Defense Council examined the effect of global warming on water. Todays we are using much more chemical for production purpose but forget that these chemical when use and exhaust their fog in air they polluted the air system which shown bad effect for our health and also these pollution dirty the climate which automatically effect the water system. So need to utilize the natural resources with well manner.




Pollution is adversely change the our environment pollution can take the form of chemical substance. We found this in different form like, air pollution, noise pollution, factory pollution, traffic pollution etc. There are more other factor which involve in this but we need to stop all of them how is possible their Is need of a social meeting with all over the world. Every one have their unique responsibility for clean the environment from this dirty virus. So our coming generation take peace breath.



Safe Sustainable Food

Safe food is right of every citizen of world. Today we use different chemical to maximization of food production with least time, but that type of food will not provide necessary vitamins which our body need. So there is need of maximization of food items with natural method not use of chemical.



Recycling is one of the best thing that you can do for environment. Any material like garbage, plastic items, etc need to be recycled out of urban area recycled that thing in forest of far farlang area. Todays people clean their home and exit the garbage out of home and called the dirt in their street. So if you want to sweep this dirty material from their home so you recycled this like burn etc.




Todays life is un complete without transport he will become part of our life if we want to leave this we not do it. Air pollution create transport heavy type of petrol, diesel, etc used in this cycle when they exit they polluted our air with toxic chemical. So there is need of research which resolve this issue and sweep this dirt from our country.




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