Facebook Brings Customization and Local Updates to Notifications Bar

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Everyday, hundreds of millions of people use Facebook’s notifications bar to learn more about the important events around them. But they have never really been customizable, i.e. until now. According to the $280 billion company, a major change is coming to them so you can view things important to you with a quick glance.

From now, you’ll be able to see and customize the following stuff on your notifications bar:

  • Friends’ milestones, like birthdays and life events
  • Sports scores and TV reminders, based on Pages you’ve liked
  • Upcoming events that you’ve joined

Furthermore, you can also allow access to your location history in order to keep up with the events happening in your locality, weather updates and alerts, movies playing at theaters near you and places to eat (along with their reviews).




About the author


I am Shan Ali. I am from Karachi, Pakistan and love to write blogs on tech. Subscribe me to see more from me.

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